
Website Operator

The provider of the website is Sparq Ventures UG (haftungsbeschränkt) – Straße 73 49, 13125 Berlin, Germany – Company no: HRB 174062 B (hereinafter "SPARQ"). SPARQ is responsible for its own content on this website. The website contains links to external content. SPARQ is not the provider of the linked sites and has no influence over the content presented there.

Offer and Contracting Party

SPARQ presents offers from various betting operators. However, we are not a betting provider ourselves. If you use an offer from the presented VPN providers, you conclude a contract directly with this VPN provider. SPARQ does not become a contracting party.

Affiliate Commissions

As a website that is funded through partnerships, we may receive a commission if users sign up for certain products or services through links on our website. That is, if a user clicks on a link to a product or service and subsequently makes a purchase, we may receive a small percentage of the sale as a commission. Please be assured that our recommendations and partnerships are based on our team's thorough research and personal experiences with the products or services, and are not influenced by the potential commission we may earn. We are always committed to providing our users with valuable and accurate information, and the use of partner links helps us to continue to operate and improve our website.


SPARQ assumes no responsibility for the website content, offers, or actions of the presented VPN providers. We are not aware of any legal violations of the presented partners. If we become aware of illegal content, we will act in accordance with the extent of our legal obligations.

Image Attributions

Some of the images used on this website are from the following services:
- Freepik

Media owner, manufacturer and publisher or service provider:

Sparq Ventures UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Straße 73 49 13125 BerlinGermany
Company no: HRB 174062 B
VAT ID: DE312546809

Managing Director: Altan Sarisin

Contact: info [at] sprqvntrs [dot] com