
Information on the use of cookies

When you visit our site, information may be stored in "Cookies" placed on your computer, tablet, or mobile device. This page is dedicated to understanding what a cookie is, its functions, and how you can adjust your preferences.

A cookie is a text file stored in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, or any other internet-optimized device) when viewing online content or an advertisement. This cookie file can only be read by its issuer. It allows the identification of your device in which it is stored during a limited validity period.

What are cookies used for?

Two types of cookies, serving the objectives described below, can be stored in your device when visiting our site:

  • Essential Cookies

Essential cookies are necessary for navigating our site and accessing various products and services. These cookies allow you to signal your passage on a certain page, and thus improve your browsing comfort: adapting the site presentation to your device's display preferences (language used, display resolution). Essential cookies also allow for security measures to be implemented. These cookies cannot be disabled or configured, otherwise, you will no longer be able to access the site and/or the site's services.

  • Statistical Cookies Note that these cookies allow the anonymous measurement of traffic or audience associated with our website, pages visited, and interactions carried out on the site during your visit. Their deactivation, therefore, prevents any collection of information relating to your navigation on our site.

By using our site, you consent to the use of the aforementioned cookies. However, you can choose at any time to disable all or part of these cookies, except for technical cookies necessary for the operation of the site as mentioned above. You can also configure your browser to notify you of cookies placed on your device and ask you to accept them or not.

You can always choose to disable all or part of the cookies. We remind you, however, that disabling all cookies will prevent you from using our site under normal conditions, except for basic functions.

It is important to note that your choices are based on one or more specific cookies. If you delete all cookies related to our site stored on your device, we will not know the consent that you have given. Therefore, your consent will be reset, and you will again need to refuse the cookies you do not wish to retain. Similarly, if you use a different web browser, you will have to refuse these cookies again.

By continuing to use the website, you accept our cookie policy. However, if you wish to declare a different preference, please use the link below to change your cookie preferences at any time. This option will allow you to customize and update your preferences according to your needs.